Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November 5, 2012

Monday- Day off- Slept in until 6:00 am. In the morning, Sarah and the kids went down to a Dan Zane's concert at the McCallum theater in the desert as a field trip. Marin and Emmy Campbell tagged along as well.  I stayed home by myself- made some phone calls, watched TV, ate lunch, and took a big long nap- until Sarah and the kids came home at 2:30pm. In the afternoon we all went over to the school where Bowden, Lucy and Jack were auditioning for parts in the Secret Garden. Bowden was awarded the role of Ben Weatherstaff, Lucy is to be a firefly and Jack along with many other children will be the Secret Garden itself. Bowden disappointed that his role does not have more lines. He is supremely confident speaking in front of people, which strikes me as a rare trait. I'm impressed that he wants more lines, but I encouraged him to do the best with the parts he was given, and not be jealous of other kids with more lines. Fell asleep in front of the TV, but woke up shortly before midnight and went upstairs to bed.

Dinner- Enchiladas, Spanish Rice, corn chips with green sauce and a glass of milk.

Devotions- Phil. 2:3-11

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