Monday, November 12, 2012

November 10, 2012

Saturday- Slept in until 6:00am. Out the door for work at 7:30am. Worked throughout the day, primarily in the office until I went home at 5:00pm. In the morning Sarah and the kids met the Whites at the park in town. A robocall from Riverside County Public Libraries alerted me that my book had arrived for my latest class. I will have to buy the other two resources necessary to complete the course. After picking up my book at the library I did my devotions there as well. I spent soem time praying later in the day. Nanny arrived in time to see the second showing of the Secret Garden, which Sarah also attended. Nanny will be staying through Monday. After work we all loaded up in the van and drove over to Bruce and Patty Tait's house for dinner. We hung out there until nearly 9:00pm before rounding up the kids and heading home. Sarah had a headache so I put the little guys to bed for her. Bowden and Lucy went to bed without a chapter. I fell asleep at 11:00pm.

Dinner- Spaghetti, roasted almonds, salad, cranberry sprite, and cobbler with ice cream.

Devotions- Mark 9

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