Tuesday, September 25, 2012

SEPTEMBER 24, 2012

Monday- Day Off- Woke up at 6:00 am and did course work for an hour. Sarah took the older two down to the desert for a homeschooling field trip to the McCallum theater. Jack went to kindergarten as usual but Marin Campbell picked him up at noon. I kept Miles home with me. I spent the morning taking a proctored examination for one of my courses which Keith Shirley administered. I also wrote several "thank you" cards and sent out the final draft of the September Elder Team Minutes to the rest of the guys for approval. Sarah came home shortly after noon. I took the van to run some errands in town and then when I got back she loaded up the kids to go visit with the Fourroux's at the coffee shop. At 3:00 I drove over to the school to drop Sarah and Lucy off for Girl Scouts. Then back over to the school for Jack's soccer practice. Lucy's soccer team, which I coach, had their practice immediately following at 5pm. Bowden's Karate also at 5pm. After soccer/girls scouts/karate we came back home to a dinner Sarah had made in the crock pot. Watched the end of the Monday night football game and the movie Crimson Tide before going to bed at 11:30pm.

Dinner- Chili over rice with a glass of water.

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